AFT (Advanced Fluorescence Technology) is the next generation of Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) laser treatment technology that improves the texture, tone, and appearance of skin with minimal downtime. This laser treatment is specifically designed to dramatically reduce the appearance of sun damage, red spots and blemishes, rosacea, broken capillaries (including spider veins), acne scarring, and age spots (brown spots).


Pixel Perfect Laser Treatment

Reveal beautiful, radiant, younger looking skin. Pixel is effective for treating a variety of common skin concerns including acne scars, fine lines and wrinkles, rough skin texture, sun damaged skin, melasma and other forms of hyperpigmentation, enlarged pores, stretch marks, and surgical scars. Pixel can be performed on the face, neck, chest and other areas of the body. Add PRF (platelet rich fibrin) to this treatment for faster healing time and increased results.

The treated area will be very red and swollen for the first 24-48 hours. The skin will begin to flake and peel on days 3-4. This is especially noticeable during cleansing the skin. The skin on the face is usually essentially healed after 5 days – though there may still be some redness.

Skin on other areas of the body can take at least twice as long to heal because the skin turns over more slowly and does not have as many oil glands present.

Most patients can begin to apply mineral makeup after 3-4 days.

A Dermablade treatment 1-2 weeks after your laser will complete the process of eliminating the dead skin cells and rehydrating your skin.

Laser type: Sciton